Sunday, August 18, 2013

         I used to be a type A personality.  I admit it!  As a teacher, that meant that I was the first one to school (when it was still dark outside) and the last one to leave.  It also meant that I had litttle time to just chatter with collegues; I had a to-do list and I was always on the go.  
     Then I married a type B man.   The first thing he put a stop to was working past 6 pm and since I taught in a rough neighborhood, I listened to him.  Then he taught me to take time to relax without guilt....well he tried anyway (for years I still felt guilty)!    
     My relaxation is reading and a nightly bath with a glass of wine.  Since I’ve found Pinterest and blogging, I have to add those too!  Yours may be exercising, walking, running, scrapbooking, photography, knitting, bird watching, sports, cooking, even watching TV….housekeeping does NOT count!  But relaxing is necessary so you can be on your toes the next day.  No one but a teacher realizes how much it takes out of you each day.  We teach because we love what we do (it’s certainly not for the paycheck) but even things we love can be draining.  Psychologists will tell us that even happy things can be stressful (marriage, baby, moving to a new house or school).  You NEED this time each day!
     19 years later I think I've found the middle road.  I've realized that as teachers we will NEVER get our to-do lists done.  I had friends who stayed at work until 3am once to get it all done...did they?  No!   I still get all panicky prior to the first day when I think of all the stuff I still want to accomplish But looking back(I've taught almost every grade up to 8th but came back to the little hugging guys), I have never had a student die because my room wasn't fully done on their first day.  It's true!  As long as their desks are ready, your desk is organized and you have your routines and procedures in place, they will do well.  In fact, working changes or additions in day to day works well for them too; it keeps their interest and teaches them to look pay attention to details. 

     So….take a deep breath.  Push down that panic if everything’s not exactly the way you envisioned….and give yourself half an hour to go relax!  I promise you'll be better for it!

So tell me…what do you do to relax each day?

Sunday, August 11, 2013

A long time ago....(well, actually it began last week)....
In a Galaxy, far, far away...
(OK, well, Florida, good ole USA)...

Anyway, it's here!  My blog!  
It's about teaching Kindergarten
and wrestling with the Common Core State Standards.
It's about making learning fun and still challenging students!
It's about throwing away last years lesson plans (OK...put them deep in the closet in case you're audited).  It's in search of new and fun ideas to teach some new and old concepts, and it's about building a firm foundation for 17 students at a time!

They all think they're Princess Leia, Queen Amidala, or Anakin, anyway, so....and yes, every now and then you get a child who acts like Chewie or Jar Jar Binks!  Seriously, though...aren't we hoping that each child will turn out to be as cute as an Ewok, as sweet as Padme, and quick to learn as Luke?  Secretly, aren't we all dreading getting a Darth Maul or General Grievous (did I lose you there)?    
Unfortunately, not all of us work for a General Ackbar; some of us feel like we're working for Senator Palpatine. Some days, parents can act more like Jabba the Hutt or Sy Snootles, although we're all hoping for Qui-Gon Jinn or Beru Lars (Luke's adoptive mother).  And myself?  On my best days, I hope to be Shmi Skywalker or Mace Windu and yet I aspire to be Yoda....on my worst days, I come home in tears, feeling like I was more like Darth Vader.  

Yep...we're all six movies and a ton of cartoons, games and novels!  The Star Wars galaxy, right in our classrooms, albeit with no weapons or Death Star....although that is what standardized tests make me think of, but let's leave that for another day!

Welcome to My Blog!

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